This is only a rumor from a fanbase of China ELFs, everything is unofficial until SM Ent announce it officially on the news. So, ELFs just read it and keep it to yourself^^
from sina weibo @无比闪耀宝蓝色的爱
SJ正在准备五辑,SM公开表明基范回归,更激动的是,SM已和韩庚协商,参加五辑的录制,并在五辑发行时正式宣布韩庚回归!所 以,五辑除了强仁无法参加外,其余全部上阵!而且三巡结束后李特和希澈都将服兵役,时间为2个月,在此期间,将由恩赫担任临时队长,带领队员们进行五辑的 宣传!信不信?
cr: PROM15E TO 13ELIEVE (Twitter)
So Eunhyuk will be the leader when Teukie enlisted for army? XD
1.Some ELFs asked: Why not Yesung?
Well this is only the rumor, we will not know until they tell us haha
2.Hankyung will be coming back? Let's see.....
i really want them to be 13 again... but i am already happy that hankyung and kibum will be back. it would be the best comeback ever@!!